Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Turn about is fair play.

I started blogging for my dogs, to keep everyone who was interested in them apprised of the day to day, goings on...at the time it seemed simple "A Breeders account of 2 litters", it became so much more. I find myself having a difficult time of staying on that theme, so my solution as of 10:25pm tonight was to start a separate account of all things Michele. Of course dogs will still weight heavily on this blog simply because, my dogs are me, but hopefully I will be able to relay the wacky goings on of my life and save a bunch of money on therapy at the same time!

Did you know that I'm writing a book? I know - Sssshhhhh!! It's a secret - don't tell anyone! Of course it is about dogs, but more to the point, what I have done in the name of "DOG"....for all of you who know that I'm dyslexic and are wondering what I'm doing writing a book about religion, don't worry, I did mean a book about canines. For the rest of you that know how bad I am at English - too bad, suffer along with everyone else, that's what makes the book 'me'.

I could start this new blog telling you all about a friend of mine who was attacked by a dog and nearly had a very important part of her anatomy ripped off, but that would be common place in knowing so many dog people; accidents are bound to happen. I could also lament about my poor old Dane, Tonka, getting attacked, but that's a story for Tonka to tell and she's usually very modest about 'war' stories.

So I'm left with the story of having to find a place to move my shop to and having precious little time left in which to do it. I actually found a place that could with a lot of work would be perfect, but one of the owners doesn't want dogs so close to his salon because the dog people on the other side of the building are rude and loud, so he thinks all dog people are like this. Just my luck, perfect shop, perfect rent, and no one wants to rent it to me!!
How do you convince someone that you could be a perfect fit for them when they hate you to begin with? The constant conundrums hurt my head, to say the least. Oh by the way if you have a place to rent in the Cloverdale area, let me know I'm a great tenant.

1 comment:

E said...

Well that stinks about finding someone to let you rent! I am excited to read this blog about you. :)

Thanks for the birthday email!