Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Signed, sealed and delivered.

I signed the lease for our new building today - 2022 square feet
of "Everything you see before me, is mine!"
Now the hard work begins, planning, designing, colours, and all those other good things. I'm thinking that it would be really cool to have miniature stairs running along the walls for our 'shop cat' - Ruff - I think she'd like that.

Also Breakfast TV wants to come back out and play, I would rather they come and play at the new shop as it will be way cooler, but I think this one might be out of my hands, so to stall, I passed them along to friends as they just had Shepherd pups and would rate much higher on the puppy breath scale! You can see the pups by visiting:
They are pretty cute for Shepherds - but we all know that Dane-ishes are MUCH cuter!!
Ssshhhh!! Don't tell Tony and Katie I said so!

1 comment:

E said...

YEAH! Make sure you post pics when you get it all together!