Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well it's official, I'm a Certified Master Groomer or a highly medicated professional!
Now some people might be thinking to themselves - Michele, it doesn't count if you printed it on the computer yourself - I didn't!

My dear friend Sandy, pushed and pushed me, first by making me do the written and practical tests through IPG (International Professional Groomers). Then she really got pushy and gave (yes, that's right folks - GAVE) me her salon....sort of like when you throw someone in the water when they can't swim just to force them to instinctual do the doggie paddle. Of course Sandy jumped ship, moved to a far off land and opened up another salon which is currently kicking butt (she has put 5 other groomers out of business!!), but that's another story.
So in my round about way I am putting out a big THANK YOU to Sandy, even if I did it kicking and screaming the whole way!

1 comment:

E said...

YEAH! Go celebrate! That is awesome! I am glad that you did this!

Thanks for the gift for Katie, Donnie and Catherine. I deposited it so we could send a check in the mail. I will make sure she knows it is from you. :)

We will get Luke's papers sent off soon.