Friday, July 3, 2009

First layer of Paint

Step one: Buy a canvass - Oh good God! You really want how much for that piece of fabric stretched onto a frame?!? It gets cheaper the bigger it gets? How do you figure? What do you mean "Go big or go home"? Can I go medium? Really... the canvass is still that much?

Step two: Decide what you are going to paint - Darcy, what should I paint? What do you mean you don't know? Here's a bunch of ideas... pick one. Oh gee, it was a really big stretch to pick the Jaguar! What about the Black Bear? Oh fine! Where's the picture of that bloody cat again?
Step three: Quick sketch your subject onto the canvass. Don't screw up, you can't erase that!

Step four: Figure out what base colour you want to start with and jump right in. Ya' right! I start with jacking up the music, and dancing around to Barenaked Ladies singing "Chimpanzees", but pick what ever turns your crank.
As you can see I'm only on step four, but slowly but surely it will progress.

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