Tuesday, October 14, 2008

When I grow up...

When I grow up I was to be an artist. Nothing would make me happier, to putter in my studio creating things and having someone pay me to do so. Of course to the people that know me - stop laughing! No seriously, it's mean!!
I have be fortunate enough to have very sweet friends who will at the least put some of my fridge art up on the walls (some more so then others)!
In thinking about all such things (life, art, history doomed to repeat itself) I figured that for once I would 'toot my own horn' - Gosh darn it! I'm smart, I've got some talent and I'm a human photocopier!
So here are a few pieces that I have either photographed, sketched or painted...
This was taken in our pond.
A picture for Danny Virtue of Virtue Studios. It is a drawing of Markus, his favorite horse.
This wolf was a birthday present for a friend - this is what I mean by 'human photocopier', I can't do anything original, but I can copy anything.
This was my first attempt at painting, for a friend of Darcy's company - Zebra Logic.
Somewhere around here I have a finished picture of it...

So there ya' go, I realize that it is a crazy dream to have, but one that I hold near to me.

1 comment:

E said...

You are so talented! I am amazed.