Friday, October 3, 2008

Not enough hours!

There are just not enough hours in the day anymore! I was supposed to have had blue-prints drawn up to give to the plumber along with a TON of other stuff, but have not want, will or desire to accomplish it. I'm not sure if it is because once I start, I know that that I won't come out of my office for several days or if it's still a bit of 'cold feet' because now it's not just something that has been handed to me on a platter but something that I actually have to put myself into and see if I sink or swim.
I'm hoping that I will get a lot done this weekend (well my weekend which is Sunday - Monday).
If anyone finds something ubber-funky that I must look at please feel free to send me a link. My creative juices are fairly pathetic when it comes to interior/office design!

1 comment:

E said...

I wish you the most productive weekend! If your weather is anything like mine, you def don't want to be outside!