Okay so for those of you you haven't heard the news, we have bees!
I love it, it's something that Darcy and I do together. Plus I get to learn new things (which I love doing - what can I say, I'm geeky that way!).
I can't remember who asked what we would call our bee adventure, at the time I shrugged it off and said I will always stick with "MiHi".
But anyone who knows me, knows that I ruminate, so this is just what I did.
A friend of mine always teases me and pronounces my kennel name as Me-He,
instead of My High, and although I love him dearly, it irks me to no end. For whatever reason I had that floating around my head when I came up with Mi Hive, but all I could think of was that he referred to it as "Me Hive" he would sound like a strange pirate!

So there it is, the new logo for the Apiary side of MiHi, hope you like it!
I also make all natural lip balm & lipstick (customized colour for you), moisturizer, shampoo & conditioner (for humans and dogs) and anything else you can think of with
honey or beeswax in it!
We also have honey, bee-bubblegum, chocolate covered combed honey, and honey garlic glaze.