Ever wonder why someone firmly encased in the dog world would venture out and play with bees? Me too! I have no good reason other then the bear inside me demands it.
Honey is yummy!
Here Katie and Bill suit up - I'm taking the photos and Darcy is taking the video of us.
Pulling our first hive apart - thank heavens for Bill, what a nice guy!
You can see everything here from pollen (the yellow/orange), the brood (where the bees are), and the white, which is honey!
It's like "Where's Waldo?" Can you find the Queen?
(hint: lower middle/left)
Here is Katie's first hive - they were unimpressed that their house is being disturbed.
Bill just installed 2 Queen cones (they are the upside down pylon looking things)
Bill says that on of the hives staying at our house can be split in about a week or two!
Happy Bees make HONEY! I'm so happy.