Most of you know that when the mood hits I will put lead (charcoal, grafite or some type of pencil) to paper....

...but recently I have felt that I need to go outside my comfort zone and try colour! Of course my first painting was of Zebras, so I guess I can't say I strayed far from my comfort zone - but baby steps, baby steps! (at least there was green grass!)
I am now onto my next project, here it is set up in my studio...
This is where my inspiration came from...
... and here is the start of my project, as it progresses, I will post more pictures. Don't laugh, I'm not a painter!
It's hard to tell but I have rough sketched some outlines on the canvass... I think you would need to click on the picture and see the large size to actually see it.

This will be for Darcy, and I really hope that Robert Bateman doesn't get mad!